Monday, August 15, 2011

Supernatural Singing

Songs move us. My youngest brother Bryson proved it. When he was about a year old or less, we discovered that if we sang certain songs he would pucker up. I used to line up my buddies and I would sing a couple of lines and say, “Watch this.” Songs move us.

Songs go deeper than thought. They touch the heart. History reveals it. We know it’s true. That’s why the earliest military endeavors included songs and music as a part of war. They learned that when spirits were low and the outlook was bleak, a couple of drums and a flute could lift the spirits. Hope could be restored. It’s why virtually every nation and kingdom has a national anthem. It inspires pride and hope. Who hasn’t at some point in their life, gotten a lump in their throat when the flag passed by and they sang the Star Spangled Banner? It’s why High Schools have marching bands and smart marketing ads use music. Because songs move us.

But with Christians, it's even bigger than this. Songs as worship to God can actually change the atmosphere. A quick read of Acts 16 will prove it. Imagine Paul and Silas, beaten, bloody, chained up in a cell. And these cells didn't have A/C and a TV like ours today. They were dark, dank and gloomy places. But what did Paul and Silas decide to do at midnight? Sing and glorify God. I can imagine Paul saying to Silas, "Okay, Silas. We've prayed. We've prayed some more. We've talked and witnessed to these guards. What now? How about singing?" So they do and God hears their singing and the walls begin to shake and the chains fall off and soon revival breaks out! The head guard and his family are baptized. And so the church at Philippi grew as Jesus used a couple of guys singing praise in a jail cell! No, it's not magic and not everyone who is in a crisis can sing their way out. But before you say, "God doesn't do that anymore" don't discount it either. Praise still paves the way for God's supernatural intervention.

Are you in a prison of doubt? of discouragement? of temptation? of hopelessness? Ramp up the praise. Perhaps God will use that as an opportunity to break in and loose the chains on your soul.


Vonnie said...

I really loved your message Sunday and now feel confirmation on Why I wanted to sing in choir so much after what happened to me in 2007!

Tania said...

Music does move us. I really enjoyed reading this blog post. You, Dan Dean, and Randy Phillips have written songs that have moved me and some that I love to sing to God in worship. I cannot thank the three of you enough for sharing your gifts and talent and allowing God to use you. I am so thankful that I can praise God and worship him even when I have experienced loss. Singing praise to God in my head has given me emotional strength when I have needed it.

Amanda said...

I love this post!!!
I love music and I have always loved spending time in worship with God. I think music speaks to and for me better than I can do for myself sometimes.
When I was drinking and drugging I had pretty much hit that rock bottom but was to ashamed to turn to God about it because I felt like I had truly let him down and he would certainly not want anything to do with me...I was driving down the road and all of a sudden my cd player stopped working and it kicked the radio on. Show me what I'm looking for, by Carolina Liar was playing on the was as if the desires of my heart were written in a song just for God and that was exactly what I needed to say to Him but couldn't find the words to say. I knew right then and there that God heard my innermost cry and that through music was the best way that He could communicate to me that I was truly looking for HIM.
I believe God created us to be lovers of music, because He too is. I love being created in the likeness of his image!!