Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What did you hear?

I'm amazed by how differently my wife and I see the same thing--the detail, the nuance that she sees compared to what I see. The same thing is true for hearing. If a spouse is already hurt, they will hear whatever is said through the filter of that hurt.

There's a fascinating scene in the Chronicles of Narnia. Four humans (Digory, Polly, Uncle Andrew, and Frank the Cabby) and one very sad Witch (Jadis) watch as Aslan sings the new world of Narnia into existence. After creation, the animals begin to speak, the human witnesses are amazed to find that they can understand them. Everyone, that is, except Uncle Andrew. All he can hear is barkings, howlings, and noise. Why? Why wasn’t Uncle Andrew able to understand like everyone else?

Who you are determines what you hear.

This is why people hear different things in the same speech.
"I think he's for change." "I think he's against it."
In music:
"Jazz music is beautiful." "Jazz is bunch of chaos."

Who you are determines what you hear. Maybe the issue isn't your spouse, your pastor, your friend, maybe it's inside.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

You Never Graduate from Grace

It's all about grace. The apostle Paul begins his letter to the Thessalonians: "Grace to you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." (2 Thes. 1:2 ASV) And he ends it guessed it: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all." In fact, most of his letters begin and end with grace.

That's a good reminder for me. I never graduate from grace. I need grace: love my wife forgive myself accept myself love my enemies not think too much of myself!

You get the point. It's all about grace. Begin your day and end your day with gratitude for grace.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Day of Hope

I am still living in the light of the weekend. A residue of the glory of Easter is still on us as a staff even though we are a bit weary from the prep for campus dedication last week and then Easter services. But it was worth it!

We're still counting the decisions for Christ and attendance but all indicators are that it was a record-breaking weekend! Many responded to be baptized, to receive Christ, to come back to Christ. As a staff we prayed and thanked God for all that He did.

I am so grateful for our teams, from music, to Redeemed, to Children's ministry, all made the difference. Love to all our C3 Partners!

Thursday, April 09, 2009


Ever use one of those magnification mirrors? Man, I looked in one recently and was scared! All my blocked pores, grayness of beard, etc were magnified. That's the way it is with us humans. The closer you look, the worse it gets!

Last night during worship at our church prayer, we sang an old one, "I exalt Thee." I was reminded of this magnifying glass. The difference with God is that the closer you get to Him, and the more you magnify Him, the more His excellent qualities come through. Just think of it! When we exalt Him, we magnify His mercy, His faithfulness, His unconditional love, His grace. Only God looks better up close.

Looking forward to Resurrection Day as we magnify Him together...

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


If anyone is interested in short updates, follow me on Twitter. You can find me by searching for my name there.

Descent to Greatness

I am still reading Billy Graham's autobio. (It's 784 pp!) I've been struck by his vulnerability and humility. That's usually the case with truly great people; they "descend into greatness."

As a prelude to his first London crusade, the press was giving him a tough time. The prospects were doubtful. Here's a quote: "In my entire life, I had never approached anything with such a feeling of inadequacy as I did London. If God did not do it, it could not be done." It turned out to be wildly productive---jammed stadiums, thousands of conversions, some very high profile. But it began with a sense of inadequacy.

Are you feeling inadequate? It could be an opportunity for God to show up big time.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Time to remember and be grateful

What a week! Pastor Kevin was with us on Wednesday. Great word about "Heaven in the House." Then tonight with sold-out PCD concert and on Sunday we'll continue the celebration of what God has done for us and also anticipate the future.

There were a group of 5th c. monks who were known as non-sleepers. Why? Because they frequently spent a day and night in praise. Most of us don't have the ability to do that. But if the believers don't take time to be grateful and celebrate what God has done, who will? This is the time to remember and be grateful.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

A Resting Place for Sin

We are just a few days away from a true holy day: Resurrection Sunday. I know that it was once a pagan holiday, but as Christians we give it a completely new meaning. In the same way,Sunday, the early Christians renamed "the Lord's Day."

As I think about approaching Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, I'm reminded of the reality of sin, it's consequences and damages. Where can we rid ourselves of its power? There are only two places for sin: on you or on Christ.

"Either sin is with you, lying on your shoulders, or it is lying on Christ, the Lamb of God. Now if it is lying on your back, you are lost; but if it is resting on Christ, you are free, and you will be saved. Now choose what you want." (attributed to Martin Luther)

So that His death will not be in vain, I choose to rest my sin on Him.