Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Was Born this Way

Poet Joanne Germanotta penned these words,
"I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way"

Of course, her stage name is Lady Gaga and the album went platinum the first week. Many relate to those words because we believe that whatever is instinctive, whatever is "natural" is good and shouldn't be altered or restricted. This is Gaga's message and it is the core of postmodern thought: Man is basically good and he/she should be accepted as is. "Accept me for what I am not for what you want me to be." This sounds good but it couldn't be further from the truth.

God's Word concerning Joanne Germanotta, Me, You and every "innocent" baby born is that we are all born as rebels of God (see Psalm 51.5). We aren't basically good. We're all born rebels and the only solution for the "way we were born" is to be born from above. This is no slam against Lady Gaga. It's universal.

The good news is that God the Father's DNA is powerful enough to restructure our DNA so that rebels become sons and daughters of God. Wow.

1 comment:

Jim Cocos said...

P. Shawn:

The series you are doing now is really hitting home for a lot of people. After service you can really feel the buzz as people are sharing what it meant to them. Thanks for digging deep for the body of Christ at Crosspoint.