Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Martyn Lloyd-Jones Sermons Now Free

Some said his preaching was so powerful that it came with the force of an electric shock. He thundered from the pulpit and London was moved. One lady writes of her experience here:
"In an extraordinary way, the presence of God was in that Church. I personally felt as if a hand were pushing me through the pew. At the end of the sermon for some reason or the other the organ did not play, the Doctor went off into the vestry and everyone sat completely still without moving. It must have been almost ten minutes before people seemed to find the strength to get up and, without speaking to one another, quietly leave the Church. Never have I witnessed or experienced such preaching with such fantastic reaction on the part of the congregation." (Iain H. Murray, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones: The Fight of Faith 1939-1981, p. 377.)

Now the sermons of Martyn Lloyd-Jones are online and they are free! Thanks to the MLJ trust, now the great preacher of Westminster Chapel can be heard as he preached more than 30 years ago. The style is much different than today. The sermons are deep and meaty and it takes some listening but we need to stretch our minds now and then. One of my favorite messages is "A Gospel of Power" based on 1 Thes. 1:5. You can sign up for a free account HERE.

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