Monday, July 23, 2012

Perspectives on Aurora

After the tragedy in Aurora, we've been inundated with news commentary: Who was Holmes? What makes a graduate student like him snap? Is it time for gun-control? Who were the victims? And some of it is heart-wrenching--the loss of life, the new normal for the Holmes' family. It's right to pause and reflect. But it's also right to keep perspective. While we are shocked over the loss of 12 lives in a theater as well as the others whose lives will never be the same, we should also consider:

On the same day of the Aurora tragedy, 
  • ~3,700 babies were aborted in the U.S. (73% mothers report religious affiliation) Source
  • ~435 Christians died for their faith (Average based on World Christian data)
  • ~100 people committed suicide (Third leading cause of death in ages 15-24) Source 
Perspective changes as we think about these. What's the common need in all these things? Hope.  Let's be the purveyors of hope: hope for the Moms who feel trapped, hope for those contemplating suicide, and eternal hope for those who are suffering today for their faith.

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