Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Don't Let it Die with You

It's a sad sight to watch a great organization, a church, a ministry die simply because it was all centered around one person's gifts. Why does it happen? Many times it's because of insecure leadership:
  • "No one can do it like me."
  • "If I'm not there, it won't succeed." 
  • "Greatness of this organization begins and ends with me." 
At the root of these is insecurity: "If they can do it without me, then why am I here?"

Of course, great leadership is needed and essential. An organization, church, ministry needs someone who leads courageously. But he/she needs to lead with a vision for the next generation--not just until you retire. God's kingdom is supposed to go on after you're off the scene. To have something die without you, means that you failed to pass it on.

So don't do it alone. Are you passing on what you know? Do you have an apprentice? Are you showing someone how to do what you can do well? Barnabas had Mark. Jesus had Peter, James, John. Moses had Joshua. Aquila had Apollos. Paul had Timothy.

They didn't let it die with them. You shouldn't either.

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