Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The best teachers

Had a question posed once: "Who was the best teacher you had? Why?" Saw another quote today that went something like this: "The best learning happens when the learner likes the teacher. We don't learn from someone we can't stand." Do you agree?

One of the teachers I learned the most from was Mr. Staley. He taught music history. I can't say I really "liked" him. But neither would I say I couldn't stand him. What I did like about him was his passion for music history. He brought strange old instruments to class and would try to play ancient music. He told stories about people like Bach and Beethoven until you felt like you knew them somehow. But pervading it all was passion.

Anyway, it challenged me to think about effective teaching/learning. It doesn't take place in a vacuum. It happens best in relationship. No wonder the disciples turned the world upside down. Consider living life with the Rabbi...


Unknown said...

Dear Pastor Shawn,

My husband, children and I visited your church this past Sunday, we are good friends with the Schenck family, Cody Schenck too. Just wanted to say thank you for having us. We loved our visit the worship was awesome and the sermon was a blessing. We hope to visit again in the future. Currently we are members of a small church in our community, but if we ever find ourselves needing a new church home, yours is on the top of our list.

God Bless!

PS I follow you on twitter, notice you said you watch Mark Driscol answer some questions on the fly. He is good! We love his ministry.

Caleb said...

Much agreed, Pastor Shaun. Part of the reason I'm learning so much at church lately ;)