Thursday, December 18, 2008

Like a tree...

This amazing old tree in South Africa is still standing. Even though, many have done more than carve their name into the tree, instead of destroying it, it's almost like the carvings have strengthened it. It has become a living mural.

I have met many people who have experienced tragedy, difficulty and circumstances that would have destroyed most. Somehow they have overcome it, embraced the suffering, in a way that has strengthened them. Others like me stand back, look at their lives and think, WOW!

We often wish for the stature and strength that others display--but we probably don't want the experience of their lifetime!

I thank God for the "trees" in my life--people who have provided shade in the desert of my life and shelter from the storm. Who are your trees?

1 comment:

Rae said...

Way cool tree. Isn't it interesting how long tree's live? Plus, the way the roots dig down deep and create depth, strength, and nurish the tree to protect it. There could be a sermon in the tree...