Monday, July 29, 2019

Six Simple Steps to Becoming a Better Parent

My parents are in their 80's and every now and then they talk about regrets in parenting: "We just didn't have the resources you have today. We would've done it differently." I'm sure they would. And there are plenty of "Top Ten Mistakes Parents Make." But my parents did a lot of things right. Here are some of those with a few I've picked up from other great parents. 

1. Read to your small children. The research proves it. Parents, especially Dads and Granddads, who read to their small children will nurture a lasting bond. Not only that, you will jump-start their love of reading.

2. Eat together and ask open-ended questions at the table.  A family who eats together more than twice a week will have fewer breakdowns in relationship. Stop asking "How was your day?" and say, "Everyone, let's hear about either the best thing or the hardest thing that happened today."

3. Have a "just you and me" night with each of your kids once a month. Take them where they want to eat or play. Put a limit on the budget so they learn to choose wisely. 

4. Pray together often enough that it's a habit. Pray about the hard stuff and thank God for the good stuff.

5. Have a family discussion about vacation and include everyone in the planning. Surprises are great but it's also helpful to learn about time constraints and how we can't do everything we want to do.  

6. Be diligent about a weekly Sabbath. No work. No homework. Instead, worship. Play. Prepare for Sabbath the night before and talk about it like it's something to look forward to.

How about you? What did your parents do right? Sound off. 

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