Wednesday, March 11, 2015


And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. (Matthew 8:26 ESV)

I’ve been on the Sea of Galilee. It’s not as big as I thought and more like a lake in our terms. But even a lake in a bad storm can be terrifying. Whether you’re in a boat on a lake or a car on a winding road, a storm changes everything. Fear has a way of shrinking your perspective.

Here in Matthew 8, the disciples are crossing the lake when a squall blows in. Fear rises. Courage falls. The many miracles of the day—healings, demons cast out, lepers cleansed—have faded from memory as the reality of current tempest blows in. And where is the Miracle Worker? He’s asleep.

Exhausted from ministry, compassion expended, Jesus grabs a nap. How does the Son of God sleep through a storm? The waves, the rocking, the wind, the scrambling disciples - none of it appears to bother Jesus. So they wake Him, “Lord save us! We are perishing!”

Some of you are facing stormy waters today. There are the winds of change on the job. The pelting rain of relationship troubles at home. The sunless sky and clouds of anxiety are rolling. And if you’re a follower of Jesus, you’re asking, “Jesus, don’t You see this? Do You care?”

It helps me to picture this scene and remember, “If this ship goes down, Jesus is going down with me because He’s in the boat.” He isn’t alarmed. He isn’t even surprised. He only challenges us by saying, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” He may arise at this moment and calm the storm as you cry out to Him. Or He may calm you by reminding you, “I’m in this with you. Don’t be afraid.”

Prayer: Lord, help me because my perspective is limited. My eyes focus on the storm. You see it all and You are never alarmed, surprised or devastated. Give me Your peace today. I will cast my anxieties on You. Will you calm the storm within me? O Lord of every storm, at whose command winds will cease and skies will clear, thank You that You are in this with me.

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