Monday, December 08, 2014


While I was praying recently, I asked the Lord, "Spirit of God fall fresh on me." Almost immediately I heard a voice say, "What if it really happened? Do you expect it?"
I wonder how often do we pray but really don't expect much to happen.
Here's what I know. It's the strategy of the enemy of your soul to make you quit expecting God to ever do anything big. To make you feel isolated and alone in the world. To make you focus on yourself and what you don’t have and what you can’t do. To make you rehearse the past until you know it by heart…until all godly expectations are squeezed out of you, like being in the wringer cycle of a washing machine. To settle in the house of low expectations.
But don't do it. Don't fall prey to the oldest play in the book; the temptation from the serpent, "God is not gracious. He is not good."
I don't think it's chance that Jesus' best friend was named by God: John, which means "God is gracious."
I challenge you to expect good from God's hand today. He is gracious.

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