Tuesday, November 29, 2011

There's Gold in Those Pages

It's still reverberating in me...the importance of Scripture to a family foundation. Some questions I asked on Sunday:

• If Scriptures were gold, and your heart is a bank, how rich are you? (Lu 6:45; Ps 19:10) The Psalmist says that God's Word is "more precious than gold."
• Are you as diligent about training your children in the Bible as training as an athlete? (hours in study vs hours in practice)
• Which do you encourage more: cleaning their room or cleaning their mind?
• If someone asked your spouse or your children for a list of your most-read books, would the Bible be on the list?

No book compares to the Bible. The Scriptures are more precious than gold. How rich are you?

Here are some resources to consider for memorization:

1. Navigator's Topical Memory System - This resource helps you memorize 60 verses on important topics like discipleship, relying on God's resources, and growing in Christ. Great tool. Here's a more detailed description.

2. APP! Another cool tool is an app for your phone that helps you memorize. Check this out!

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