Monday, July 18, 2011

Marginal Living

She asked me this morning, "How did you sleep?" Why? Because my wife and I know that not all sleep is equal. Ever had restless sleep? I have. Your eyes are closed, you're lying down and you're in that semi-conscious zone but you have these nightmares of running while someone is chasing you. So you wake up without feeling rested. Drat.

It's the same way with our souls. Jesus says, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls" (Mat 11:28-29 esv). All rest is not equal. 

Here, Jesus promises rest for the overloaded life. A lot of the baggage we carry, we weren't meant to carry and it's depleting our reserves--whether it's the baggage of: 
  • Guilt - I should have done more. Now it's too late. My daughter is grown. My Dad has passed. Etc.
  • Grudges - I can't forget what they did. 
  • Penance - I must do more or God might not let me into Heaven
  • Anger at God - I've been faithful all my life and so far God has not kept His part of the deal
  • Savior-mentality - It's all up to me. I must solve the world's problems. I must win my family to Christ. I must heal the world. 
All of these are rooted in the idol of self. Notice how they all start with "I". Real Christianity does include responsibility. But it's a partnership: "Take my yoke upon you and learn from will find rest..." This kind of rest is one that is "found"--not obtained by straining in a solo effort. But found in relationship with Jesus. 

So unload your baggage and take His yoke. It's easy by comparison.

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