Monday, January 24, 2011

Some things don't go with Starbucks

It's hard for me to picture the apostle Paul teaching this verse with a cup of Starbucks in his hand: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair (2 Cor. 4:8,9).

Before you shut me down, please hear me. I love coffee. My wife converted me to it after only being a social java imbiber. One of my favorite memories is sipping the local brew near Costa Rica. There in a roadside cafe, they used one of those well-used filters that looked like a dirty sock. It was the best coffee I've ever had, as I sat with my missionary friend, Ken Schmitt, and looked out the window over the acres of coffee in the foothills near San Jose. So I'm not a coffee snob, but I can tell the difference between the cheap stuff and the good stuff.

That being said, there are just some things that don't seem to go with Starbucks for me. Teaching certain texts is one of them. Maybe it's those pictures from the old Bible story books of the Apostle Paul after being flogged that is hanging me up. I.d.k.

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