Monday, January 03, 2011

Melted by Grace

Christmas joy continues. I'm still opening a few late-arriving cards. Did you receive any gifts this year that melted you? Something that made your heart leap? I did. It wasn't a Hyundai. (Although I think their commercials are clever.) Not a cruise or a iPad. It wasn't even one of those how-did-you-know-it's-what-I-always-wanted gifts. It was a small gift from someone I knew doesn't really have it to give. In fact, it was someone who was on my "I'd really like to help them out" list. The thing that melted my heart was that, I failed to do what I was prompted to do. And I missed it, a golden opportunity. But their small gift reminded me of what grace is...when someone gives you something that costs them a lot and you really don't deserve it.

Someone said, "We are never more like God than when we are giving."

1 comment:

Jamie Brown said...

What a great picture of grace. Thanks for sharing, p shawney!