Monday, October 11, 2010

Whine Free

Yesterday, I began the 30-day journey toward "Whine Free Living." Based on Php 2:14, we have a command to "do all things without complaining." I have my green "whine free" bracelet on as a reminder. Here's what I'm discovering so far:
  • This is an impossible task in my own strength. The only way I can "do things" without complaining is for God to change my heart!
  • I'm finding that I'm thinking before I speak so much more than I did, sifting through my comments before I say anything!
  • I'm discovering how easy it is to try and excuse myself about complaining. In other words, I can justify my own complaints which is the definition of the second word in Paul's command: disputing. (Disputing is complaints supported by my own reasoning.
Can I take the bracelet off and complain awhile? Just kidding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talk about a week not NOT whine. Our dear friends lost their little one year old baby boy this past Sunday evening. We were blessed to be able to attend his Celebration of Life Memorial. The theme through the evening was that this little boy served the Lord and met his Creator and heard the words "Well done." If my friends can see a blessing through and not complain and whine with the loss of their precious little boy, then I am without excuse. Here's the blog of our friends if you are interested in this sweet child's huge testimony in is short lived life