Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Joy Overflowing

Enjoyed unpacking the idea of joy in the Bible and especially as it relates to the Apostle Paul and his letter to believers at Philippi. Had a great first session with my STJ group last night. Good discussion and the beginning of new friendship.

Here's the clip many of you have seen. Showed it on Sunday. This will get some joy going on the inside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pastor Shawn...Loving the SECRET TO JOY Bible Study! I can't wait to did in deeper! Carl, Erin and I are attending a study group close to our home...Sean can't commit to attend regularly because of his work schedule, but he will be doing the study with us at home and attending the meetings when he can. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK! THE KOLLER FAMILY LOVES OUR CHURCH AND OUR PASTORS!!!!!