Monday, April 12, 2010

A good correction

According to one report, the average American is three weeks away from bankruptcy and has little or no savings. Yet, in a 2006 report, household wealth in this country had increased from $13 trillion in 1990 to $50 trillion.

I want to give some props to Crown Financial Ministries. Yesterday, I mis-quoted some numbers and want to offer a correction. I mis-stated the amount of debt reduction and income savings. The actual amounts according to Howard Dayton (CFM) households that participate in Crown Financial Ministries' small groups pay off an average of $20,000 in debt and increase savings by $10,000 within three years!

Think what we could do for the Kingdom with these kind of adjustments!


Unknown said...

speaking of quotes...i have been wanting to ask you a question. you often (esp in sermons) quote from books you've read and I'm wondering how you do that. i've tried different ways of remembering/marking/highlighting book quotes for later use, but haven't really found anything practical that works well outside of help from the holy spirit. any practical advise?
thanks! alicia seidler

Tman7856 said...

I attended the one day class on 4/24. It made me realize how much work we have to do. I gained alot of knowledge from it.