Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Breaking a Fast

For those that have joined us in a 3-day fast, it's very important to consider how you will break it. Often while I'm fasting, I may think of particular foods that I enjoy and want to eat: pasta, burgers, ice cream. This can be dangerous!

I'm not a physician, so I offer the following as a fellow student, as one who has had some good and bad experiences in breaking a fast including having a gall-bladder attack after a 3-day fast.

Remember that your digestive system has gone on complete rest. The organs such as the liver and kidney have continued on a slower pace in an effort to cleanse the body of toxins and putrefied food remaining in your body. So it's important to "wake up" your system gradually.

Breaking a water-only fast
1. Above all, do not break your fast on greasy, spicy foods. This can shock your system in trying to digest more difficult foods. I've known of a few people who had to enter the hospital because they ate such foods after an extended fast.
2. Begin waking up your system with diluted juice and fresh fruit. Eat small servings the first day. Perhaps add servings of raw vegetables later. The broth of potatoes, carrots and a few other raw vegetables will feel good to your system. Don't mix fresh fruit and cooked vegetables at the same meal.
3. The next day consider eating steamed vegetables and/or baked potato (no butter and sour cream).
4. Gradually return to a normal diet.

Breaking a juice fast
1. Breaking a juice fast is somewhat easier. But solid, greasy foods will shock your system. Avoid pizza, cheese, meat for a few days.
2. Eat smaller servings of more solid foods several times a day such as fruit, salad, raw vegetables, steamed vegetables (preferrably less starchy ones).
3. Gradually return to a normal diet.

Blessings as you continue to encounter Him.


tim said...

Thanks for the advice but the Double Whopper was my first choice!!!!

KabulArchitect said...

I once fasted (no food or water) for 48 hours... well, after 47 we gave up, went down to the nearby Greek restaurant and bought the sampler platter. We didn't get too far into it before we were full. Good thing I was only about 20 at the time. Lots of greezy spicy stuff. Thanks for the advice. I'm a lot older now... I'll use it!