Monday, November 30, 2009

Salad Bar Christians

Jesus used the analogy of the Shepherd and the sheep to speak of His followers more than any other. And sheep, well, they are not the smartest of the animal kingdom. When compared to horses that run with beauty, muscles rippling, nostrils flared, the sheep seem less than noble. They are defenseless. They don't run well. They amble. They have a tendency to wander...and get lost.

Sheep don't set out to get lost. They simply munch their way to "lostness" which gives us a clue on why Jesus would use them as an example. The lessons for us in the analogy are many--especially in a culture of individualism and the politically-correct statement that "everything is relative." But sheep, lose their way as they are munching a bit of this and a tuft of that.

For followers of Christ, it's good to remind ourselves then, that the Bible is not a salad bar and Christianity is not a food court. Not that I have anything against either one. I like salad bars and I like food courts. (Even if they are on the church campus!) But I can't pick and choose what I like when it comes to the Bible. And I can't pick and choose what kind of people I allow around the table. Culturally different church? Yes. Stylistically different? Yes. Different truth? No. Different gospel? No. Some things are not optional.

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