Thursday, August 13, 2009

with thanksgiving

I'm reading R.T. Kendall's book, "Did you think to pray?" To be encouraged regarding prayer, this is a must read. It's worth getting the book if only to hear his words regarding gratitude. In one chapter he talks about how his life was forever impacted by the words "with thanksgiving" in Phil 4.6. While preaching, he was convicted in his soul by the Spirit of his own lack of gratitude.

"Remember how I answered your prayer about...."
"Yes, Lord."
"Did you thank me?"
"Have you seen how I've blessed you with..."
"Yes. And I'm grateful Lord."
"But you didn't say anything."

Wow. I've been challenged by that. I'm good at giving God my requests. But I'm less faithful to say "thank you." God has blessed my life so much and yet so often I focus on what I wish for. May our thankfulness rise to God louder than our requests. May we spend more time at Heaven's throne offering thanks, than Heaven's complaint counter.

1 comment:

Will said...

To keep myself in check for thanking God for answering prayers I make it a habit of saying "Thank you, God!" when things go right, even if I haven't prayed for them . . . when that car doesn't pull out in front of me, I find an extra dollar in my wallet or someone pays me a compliment. As mom said, "Always say, Thank You!"