Friday, February 22, 2008

More on Black-Eyed Peas

I have been hearing from several about how bad my "black-eyed peas" analogy was last weekend. Here's the word from one concerned member:

"I don't think it is very fair for you to be pushing black eyed peas on your congregation. Every since Sunday, my mother has been cooking black eyes peas and "jumpin jack jumbalaya". She seems to have picked up on a southern accent as well, most likely from Louisiana. I, on the other hand, have been hungry since Sunday since I don't eat black eyes peas."

Sorry to have caused so much heartache among us.

(For those of you who weren't there, we talked about sowing for the future vs. eating all our black-eyed peas today.)

On the other hand, the idea of investment and "paying it forward" continues to amaze me. If you were for example, to take what you spend in Cable fees every month (2005 average = $43) and invest it monthly at 8% for 25 years--any idea how much you would accumulate? Just a paltry $41,167.

I know it's a painful thought. But there you have it. Gotta go. My wife is calling and I think she's cooked some black-eyed peas.

1 comment:

Darlene R. said...

Hi Shawn!
I have never left you a comment before, but the black-eyed peas brought me out of lurkland.
Just seeing that picture brought back memories of some of the longest suppers I endured as a child. Every summer we would go to Alabama and visit my grandparents and we ALWAYS had black-eyed peas - nasty, nasty, nasty! Those and butter beans, ewww! My grandpa and grandma grew them in their garden and we would shell them and they would turn our fingers purple, that was pretty cool to an 8 year old, but we knew that they would be on the dinner table later that night.
Oh, the memories. :)

Hope you and Becki have a blessed Easter.