Thursday, October 26, 2006

7.5 days

I can hardly believe it. In one week I'll be a married man! This week promises to be a life-changing one as I enter the newness of married life. I've received so much advice along the way, most of it good. But there have been a few warnings like: "Shawn, Shawn! Get ready, get ready! You're going to have so many major adjustments. You have so many surprises that await you. You're going to have a tough time." While I appreciate the help, Becki and I are not naive. We both know the struggle of adjustment as we have watched our friends (often helplessly) struggle through early days of marriage. We are confident that God will finish what He's begun in us and with the help and prayers of wonderful friends and mentors, we believe we can have a wonderful marriage. Do pray for us, however, as we need God's grace at this pivotal time in our life. We have been so overwhelmed by the gracious generosity of our friends and church family. God has been good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yaay, you are married! I am so excited about what God has in store for your lives together... Congratulations you two!

Great pic by the way ;)