- Is this really necessary?
- People will get the wrong idea.
- You're going to lose status
- You need to protect your reputation
God has a prescription for healing us of our hypocrisy, anxiety and self-destruction. But the medicine isn't very appealing on the surface. It's found in James 5:16, "Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed," (nkjv).
Now I know in some circles this looks like the eternal naval gazers small group:
"I blew it on porn again this week."
"That's okay. I did too. Well, thank God for grace."
James is talking about redemptive confession. This confession admits weakness but it is hopeful not languishing. It is vertically oriented not strictly horizontal. Confession here in James begins horizontal but then turns vertical: "Pray for one another."
So I confess often. It's no fun. But people are praying for me and God is healing me.